Saturday, September 12, 2015

Changes and a New Year

Y'all the struggle is so real this year! Not because this year is bad, because this year is so full of changes. Good changes, but changes that require a lot of me.

About two weeks before school started, our new principal called me and told me that our grade level was getting an additional teacher. I know what you're thinking, that's awesome to get another teacher! And, yes it was and has been phenomenal. The struggle came in when I was told that I would be self-contained. Don't get me wrong; I've always wanted to try self-contained, but I am also new to my grade level. I have not only had to learn new standards for the subject area that I usually teach, but I've also had to learn ALL of the standards for every subject for 4th grade...whew! Oh, and I'm the mentor teacher for the new teacher to 4th grade. Our 4th grade team is comprised of 4 newbies to the grade level and a second year teacher. (We're a dream team together though!) It exhausts me to just type that! (Can I get an AMEN?!)

I started my teaching career in 4th grade, but my second year I was moved up to 5th grade. I have spent the last 8 years in 5th grade, so I'm accumulated LOTS of stuff to teach ELA and SS. I could plan on a dime. I didn't have to spend hours upon hours planning. This year, that's not the case. I am finding myself spending an extra 1 1/2-2 hours at work afterschool nearly every day (Fridays I usually don't leave the school until 7). I've become a TpT buyer instead of seller because I don't have time to create resources. Am I complaining? Absolutely not! Let me share with you why I'm not complaining...

First of all, I asked for a change. Yep, I asked for it. I wanted to learn more about elementary education as a whole rather than just one grade level. I feel that I was becoming close to an expert in the ELA/SS standards of 5th grade. I didn't want to get "stuck in my ways" as many teachers do after so many years in the same grade level. I asked for the change. I didn't not specify a grade level, I just asked for something different.

My self-contained class consists of 28 students. Yep, you heard correctly: 28! But let me tell you something, they are a wonderful group of kiddos! It doesn't feel like 28 at all. They are chatty, but that's the norm in the upper grades. I think the group of kids in a classroom definitely help set the tone for the year. I feel like I know my students better than I've ever known a group. I know who struggles with subtraction across zeroes but is also a strong reader. I know who needs to work on their fluency to help with their comprehension. It's amazing!

I have so much flexibility! I literally have a ton of alarms set on my phone to help me stay on track throughout the day; however, the flexibility that has come along with my big change has been awesome! If we have some kind of interruptions (as is the case many days, right!?) I just move subjects around accordingly or reduce the amount of work we are going to do to squeeze what we would have missed. With flexibility of time, also comes the flexibility to combine subjects.

I am spending hours away from my family (that's not a plus side at all). I'm working harder than every before. I'm spending countless hours working for free. But, I'm growing in my professional knowledge which was my desire. I am enjoying every minute of my new journey!